very much under construction - ive got big plans >:]

haiiii, i'm echo!! welcome to my little corner of the internet :D ive had this site for a good few months now and its really starting to come together. this front page is pretty bland as of now (u know how it is with renovations), but TRUST ME ☝️ i am working on that.

a few things about me while we're here - i use all pronouns, but i do think i prefer they/he? honestly though use whatever. and when i say all i MEAN all. if you actually use neos for me i'll kiss u on the mouth. i also play a few instruments - i picked up bass earlier this year (and it's going very well) and i've been drumming for over 11 years now. i usually have bursts of doing a lot of work on this site over a week or so before not touching it for several, so don't fret if there's radio silence, as i shall return.

anyway that's probably enough yapping for now - i hope you enjoy your stay :D


- FIIIIIIINALLY rearranged this page!! GOD ive been wanting to do that for AGESSSS.

- ALSO added the Brand New Navbar to the rest of the site. theres still some reformatting here and there i want to do here and there but its a start ^⎵^

page last updated: 26/8/24

background tile retrieved from